UOSCOM - Medical Crossword - Musculoskeletal

  1. 2. Follows chickenpox
  2. 6. Carpal bone
  3. 8. Antipyretic but not anti-inflammatory
  4. 10. Receptors for this are targeted in myasthenia gravis
  5. 12. Quasimodo suffered from
  6. 14. Sunshine vitamin
  7. 15. Found on a pirate’s flag
  8. 16. Father of modern anatomy
  9. 17. Point of weakness for Achilles
  1. 1. Depletion of ATP after death causes
  2. 3. Muscle used for tendon grafting
  3. 4. Meaning muscle
  4. 5. Longest bone
  5. 7. Hat doesn’t fit anymore
  6. 9. Liver enzyme also found in bones
  7. 11. Commonly pierced tissue
  8. 13. Number of lumbar bones