UOSCOM - Medical Crossword - Respiratory

  1. 1. Drives respiration
  2. 2. Lung collapse
  3. 5. Cell type common in asthma pathogenesis
  4. 8. Take my ______ away!
  5. 9. Conducting air passage
  6. 12. Delivered via inhaler
  7. 14. Required for cellular respiration
  8. 16. Happens in exercise
  9. 18. Common cause of pneumonia in infants
  10. 20. Total lung capacity minus vital capacity
  11. 21. Meaning excess
  1. 1. Lung coverings
  2. 3. Surgical puncture into the chest cavity
  3. 4. Many smokers develop this
  4. 6. Animator who died of lung cancer
  5. 7. Discoverer of pulmonary circulation
  6. 10. Crackles
  7. 11. Previously treated with heroin
  8. 13. Lung with two lobes
  9. 15. Life-saving procedure
  10. 17. Radiographic film
  11. 19. Invented the stethoscope