Upper Respiratory System

  1. 4. break down and thin out secretions
  2. 6. an expectorant
  3. 7. maintenance Beta2 Adrenergic Agonist
  4. 10. decrease nasal congestion by vasoconstriction and shrink nasal turbinates
  5. 12. receptors in body that cause vasodilation, edema, itching, and secretion of mucous
  6. 15. medications that suppress the immune system and decrease inflammation
  7. 17. most commonly used nonopioid antitussive
  8. 18. cough suppressants
  1. 1. First Generation antihistamine
  2. 2. typically inhaled medications that dilate the bronchi and bronchioles
  3. 3. LAMAs, provide relief of bronchoconstriction and decrease secretions in COPD
  4. 5. SABA used as an "rescue inhaler"
  5. 8. medications that compete with histamine receptor sites
  6. 9. Luekotriene modifier
  7. 11. inhaled drug to thin mucous secretions
  8. 13. anticholinergic
  9. 14. reversible chronic inflammatory disorder of the airway
  10. 16. irreversible chronic disease of the lower airways