Urban Crime

  1. 1. a person who is visiting the area
  2. 4. a criminal who steals from people in the streets, usually by use of violence
  3. 7. "tourist _____" is a place or and event that brings a lot of people around
  4. 9. a graphic representation of the area
  5. 10. a place where you can sleep when you are traveling
  6. 11. a criminal who breaks into properties to steal things
  1. 1. a criminal who robs people
  2. 2. "____ phone" is one of the favorite items the criminals steal from tourists
  3. 3. a person who lives in the area
  4. 5. "____ time" is what tourists expect to have when they go on a trip
  5. 6. "purse _____" is a criminal that passes by tourist very fast, usually on a motorcycle, and grabs their purses
  6. 8. the expensive things that people usually leave at the hotel when they go for a walk around the place