Miyezsa Nikole Urbanes' Crossword Puzzle about Globalization!

  1. 2. is the free and comprehensive interaction of countries in the world in the areas of politics, economics, society, technology and culture.
  2. 4. Twin with WB as Intergovernmental pillars supporting the structure of the worlds economic and financial order.
  3. 7. Forming a good relationship with another country is not that bad at all because _________ is needed between nations.
  4. 8. spread faster and more easily through the internet and cyberspace technology.
  5. 10. This kind of thinking is one of the factors that cause a local business to fail.
  6. 11. refers to extensive mechanization in the production system which resulted in a shift from land-based manufacturing to large scale factory production.
  7. 14. When the Spaniards colonized the Philippines, the tobacco harvested by the Filipinos were sent to Mexico and sold there.
  8. 16. Subtly embedded in every finished product is the introduction of a new culture.
  9. 17. One of the goals of Europeans was to bring and spread ________ in the places they colonized.
  10. 19. the trade route between China and other countries during the 207 - 220 B.C.E. helped in the spread of globalization in history.
  11. 20. Economic Integration has a big effect on a country’s politics because whoever holds the economic power holds the __________ as well.
  12. 22. Its main function is to ensure that trade flows as smoothly, predictably and freely as possible.
  13. 24. which promotes long–term economic development and poverty reduction by providing technical and financial support to help countries.
  14. 25. Freedom to travel also gives problems to the world like the spreading of ________.
  15. 28. It is cheaper for a large corporation to conduct their business in poor countries because of the ________ compared to their own countries.
  16. 31. We are forced to produce flowers, pineapple, banana, broccoli and others because these are what foreign countries needed.
  17. 33. Due to globalization, activities and beliefs in other countries or parts of the world influenced the activities and beliefs of people in other countries. ________ is now globalized.
  18. 34. Due to improvements of transportation like boats became ships much larger faster, caravan change into bike, motorcycles, cars, buses and aeroplanes. _______ is now easy.
  19. 35. connected continents and made it easier for people in different parts of the world to communicate instantly.
  20. 37. creates employment and job opportunities. Thus increasing the people’s abilities to become self-sufficient.
  21. 38. was organized to help all countries with their territorial disputes in other countries which created different diplomatic agreements, embassy or consulate in other countries.
  22. 39. In the end, ________ corporations gain more when they invest capital in the country.
  23. 40. is there to ensure that our economy is being protected.
  1. 1. originally, loans helped rebuild countries devastated by World War.
  2. 3. he brought the culture of Ancient Greek to Southwest Asia, North Africa and Southern Europe.
  3. 5. Two countries trading products, services and capitals between them eventually form cooperation of a ________.
  4. 6. News networks such as CNN, BBC, Al Jazeera and many others deliver ________ as they happened in real-time.
  5. 9. Another advantage is the _______ that happens between trading countries because of economic integration.
  6. 12. People come and go to other parts of the world to study, take a vacation, enjoy, work, compete and research.
  7. 13. They formed different institutions and organizations like the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, GATT – WTO to control the economy of the world.
  8. 15. is an agreement between different regions and countries that aim to open up the economic trade, business and financial coordination.
  9. 18. in the products is possible because the products are available in other countries also become available in the country.
  10. 21. People come and go to other parts of the ______ to study, take a vacation, enjoy, work, compete and research.
  11. 23. It is _______ because too often it is used as a powerful and simplistic justification for the endless expansion of unregulated capitalist relations into every part of life in every corner of the globe.
  12. 26. the rich countries still become richer while the poor ones languish in poverty because of the lack of __________ of the poor countries.
  13. 27. the combination of the western and eastern cultures was formed because of this.
  14. 29. Local investors lose a lot because they need to pay _________ to the government.
  15. 30. mechanization in the making of products such as _______ began to materialize.
  16. 32. is referred to as the exchange of goods, services and capital.
  17. 36. According to John Wiseman, Globalization is ______ because it can have many meanings and be used in many ways.