Urbanism Crossword Puzzle 2023

  1. 5. The ability of a city or community to adapt and recover from shocks, such as natural disasters or economic downturns.
  2. 9. The practice of creating a mix of uses and activities in a given area, in order to reduce dependence on any one sector or activity.
  3. 10. A large area of open land surrounding or near a city, intended to limit urban sprawl and preserve the natural environment.
  4. 11. A development approach that emphasizes compact, transit-oriented, walkable, and inclusive development, with a focus on preserving natural and cultural resources (contains a hyphen).
  5. 12. A development that is designed to be easily accessible by public transportation (contains a hyphen).
  6. 14. The practice of making sure that a wide range of groups, particularly those that have been historically marginalized, have equal access to opportunities and resources.
  7. 15. The ability to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
  1. 1. The degree to which an area is designed to be easily accessible to people with disabilities and other mobility challenges.
  2. 2. The degree to which an area is designed to be easily navigable on foot.
  3. 3. The degree to which an area is designed to be densely built up, typically with a mix of uses and high levels of public transportation.
  4. 4. The regulation of the use of land and buildings in a city or town, typically according to use (residential, commercial, industrial) and density.
  5. 6. The spreading of urban development over a wide area, typically characterized by low-density, single-use development.
  6. 7. The degree to which a given area is built up, usually measured as the number of people or buildings per unit of area.
  7. 8. The process of renovating and improving a house or district so that it conforms to middle-class taste, typically resulting in the displacement of lower-income residents.
  8. 13. The fair distribution of opportunities and resources among members of a community.