Urbanization & Sustainable Forestry Crossword Review

  1. 3. Farmers cut down trees to make room for _____________.
  2. 5. A benefit of growing cities is that it has improved...
  3. 6. Trees cool the Earth by _____________ carbon dioxide and converting it to oxygen.
  4. 10. This occurs when an area's population is concentrated in cities
  5. 12. A push factor
  6. 14. Type of land-use that makes up the majority of cities in the United States
  7. 17. A way to combat deforestation is to ____________ clear cutting
  8. 20. Meeting the needs of the present without compromising the needs of future generations
  9. 21. Growing cities can cause...
  10. 22. These factors are the reasons people are drawn to cities.
  11. 24. One of the three E's that lead to sustainability
  12. 25. This helps connect smaller patches of forest, allowing animals to move between them.
  1. 1. A pull factor
  2. 2. An impact of excessive consumption of resources
  3. 4. One downside of Euclidean zoning
  4. 7. Zoning to separate land-use by type into specific areas of a city
  5. 8. Trees help reduce ____________.
  6. 9. Trees interact with the environment in ____________ ways.
  7. 11. Growing cities can cause a loss of...
  8. 12. This a type of land use
  9. 13. Deforestation causes ___________.
  10. 15. Trees act as natural air filters by ___________ pollutants.
  11. 16. Planting new trees
  12. 18. Urban areas bring many benefits but can also affect the...
  13. 19. Trees are a line of defense against floods and ___________.
  14. 23. These factors are the reasons people are forced to leave rural areas and move to cities