
  1. 4. yellow urine
  2. 5. white blood cells in the urine
  3. 6. crystals found in urine with a high pH
  4. 8. form of sterile collection
  5. 11. can help detect renal disease
  6. 12. made when bacteria in the intestines convert bilirubin
  7. 13. tool used to measure specific gravity
  8. 15. presence suggest bacteria
  9. 16. alkaline or acidic
  10. 18. elevated level may indicate liver failure
  11. 19. can help detect diabetes
  1. 1. product found when body breaks down fat
  2. 2. crystals found in the urine with a low pH
  3. 3. form of non sterile collection
  4. 6. measurement that indicates density of urine
  5. 7. red blood cells in the urine
  6. 8. form of sterile collection
  7. 9. measures concentration of various urine components by color reactions
  8. 10. examples are turbid or clear
  9. 12. red urine
  10. 14. machine used for the sediment procedure
  11. 17. orange to orange-yellow urine
  12. 20. only element found to indicate kidney function