
  1. 3. urine storage
  2. 4. kidney lobation for Large ruminants
  3. 5. loops of fenestrated capillaries within bowman's capsule
  4. 6. substance in the urinary space
  5. 8. kidney stage retained in fish and amphibians and forms duct system in male genitalia
  6. 12. phagocytic support cells lying between fenestrated capillaries
  7. 16. species with glands seen in the urinary bladder
  8. 17. convey urine to bladder
  9. 18. aldosterone action site
  10. 19. densa specialized chemoreceptors in distal convoluted tubule
  11. 20. efferent arteriole surrounding loop of henle
  12. 23. nephron component found in the medulla
  13. 25. structural and functional unit of the kidney
  14. 26. tubule epithelium
  15. 28. embryologic origin of the kidney
  16. 29. development stage kidney also found in primitive organisms
  17. 30. smooth muscle of the bladder found in the tunica muscularis
  1. 1. vasculature surrounding tubules
  2. 2. embryologic origin of the urinary bladder and urethra
  3. 7. major resorption site for glucose, Na, H2O, amino acids
  4. 9. receptor affected by ADH secretion
  5. 10. renin-secreting cells
  6. 11. dilations of renal pelvis
  7. 13. fused basal laminae of capillaries and podocytes
  8. 14. muscle type seen in the distal urethra
  9. 15. kidney lobation for carnivores
  10. 21. epithelial lining of the ureter
  11. 22. expel urine
  12. 24. site of action for ADH
  13. 27. dilation of proximal ureter