Urinary & Endocrine Systems

  1. 2. in order to make urine, kidneys are filtering the ____
  2. 4. goal of every system
  3. 6. bring urine from kidneys to bladder
  4. 7. the rare feedback loop that increases (ie hormone causes contraction during labor, and contractions cause more hormone to be produced = get that baby out!)
  5. 8. the master gland that controls the others
  6. 10. many ____ ____ drugs are made from hormones
  7. 16. organs of endocrine system
  8. 17. make urine
  9. 18. a disorder of endocrine system that effects our blood sugar and insulin levels
  1. 1. works with nervous system to control body
  2. 3. urinary system balances concentrations of ____
  3. 4. chemical messengers that tell cells to start or stop
  4. 5. muscular ring that keeps us from constantly leaking urine (good thing we have that!)
  5. 9. the only thing a particular hormone can communicate with
  6. 11. the feedback loop that keeps us hovering at a set point
  7. 12. urinary system controls our ____ volume
  8. 13. stores urine until we are ready to release it
  9. 14. along with water, kidneys separate out and get rid of ____
  10. 15. voids bladder