Urinary System Anatomy and Function

  1. 2. An important renal function lab test; breakdown product of muscle.
  2. 3. The right renal artery branches from the aorta and courses posterior to the ________.
  3. 5. glomerular filtration rate (abbreviation)
  4. 7. The kidneys lie in the ___________ cavity.
  5. 9. Which arteriole moves filtered blood flow out of the glomerulus?
  6. 11. Blood urea nitrogen(abbreviation)
  7. 12. Membranous tube that passes from the urinary bladder to the outside of the body.
  8. 13. The excretion function of the kidneys are to remove metabolic ________ from the body.
  1. 1. The layer of fibrous connective tissue encapsulating the kidneys is __________ fascia.
  2. 3. These are the smallest vessels extending from arcuate arteries.
  3. 4. The glomeruli and Glisson's capsule are located in the ______ of the kidney.
  4. 6. The expanded end of the ureter, located in the hilum of the kidney.
  5. 8. Which arteriole moves unfiltered blood flow into the glomerulus?
  6. 10. Pouch Located between the right kidney and the liver. Common place for fluid to collect.