Urinary System!

  1. 1. / Blood urea nitrogen
  2. 3. / Glomerul/o
  3. 6. / Kidney stone
  4. 7. Catch Specimen / Urine sample obtained after cleaning off the urinary opening and catching or collecting a urine sample in mid stream
  5. 8. / meat/o
  6. 10. / Surgical removal of the urinary bladder
  7. 12. / Two bean shaped organs
  8. 13. / Clean Catch Urine Specimen
  9. 15. / Presence of blood in the urine
  10. 17. / Bladder
  11. 18. / Vesic/o
  1. 2. / Instrument to visually examine the inside of the urethra
  2. 4. / -uria
  3. 5. / Branch of medicine involved in diagnosis and treatment of diseases and disorders of the kidney
  4. 9. / feeling the need to urinate immediately
  5. 10. / Urinary bladder pain
  6. 11. / Catheterization
  7. 12. / Potassium
  8. 14. / Stone formed within an organ by an accumulation of mineral salts
  9. 16. / Intake and Output
  10. 19. / Chronic Renal Failure