
  1. 2. Our favourite city
  2. 5. My nickname
  3. 8. Your nickname
  4. 10. We are a buncha... (Vince Vaughan)
  5. 12. Best dumplings on Mother Earth
  6. 14. Second best dumplings on Mother Earth
  7. 15. I ... you so much
  8. 16. First live music show
  9. 18. You + Me
  10. 19. Playlist of our love
  11. 20. Our favourite pizza
  1. 1. Ka$hel
  2. 3. Radio station shoutouts
  3. 4. I like to pick your...
  4. 6. Ultimate pickle flavour
  5. 7. First date (where)
  6. 9. First date (when)
  7. 11. You make me ... when I'm grumpy
  8. 13. Our forever-losing trivia group name
  9. 17. You make my darkest days...