
  1. 2. what is a word I find so funny?
  2. 4. your favorite movie
  3. 9. what nickname did you give me?
  4. 10. what month did we get married?
  5. 12. what did I name my teddy bear?
  6. 13. your birthday month
  7. 16. out favorite ice cream
  1. 1. what nickname did I give you?
  2. 3. who’s album am I in love with
  3. 5. my birthday month
  4. 6. did I know it was you when we met?
  5. 7. it’s funny you think that
  6. 8. my favorite movie
  7. 11. what is our future baby’s name
  8. 14. a word you can’t say right
  9. 15. your favorite artist