
  1. 3. Elder of the tribe (or more preferably Wise One)
  2. 5. The middle child
  3. 6. Best Siski
  4. 8. The tallest of the clan
  5. 9. Spirit Animal extraorinaire
  6. 10. A.K.A Nitro Circus
  7. 11. Prey of the entire clan's archery skills
  8. 13. Apple lover
  9. 14. Zoom's personal chef
  10. 15. The pretty one
  11. 16. Buck Cup victor
  1. 1. Rock Paper Scissors Champ
  2. 2. The very best of spot in Winter
  3. 4. Clan Van
  4. 7. 630 feet to the top by tram
  5. 9. Pre-Covid clan destination
  6. 12. What YaYa leaves everywhere - EEk!
  7. 13. The sky