
  1. 3. my nickname for you
  2. 4. a lil nickname for something that only you know
  3. 5. what were we doing in the park when the cops pulled up?
  4. 7. which side of the bed is mine?
  5. 9. i ____ you
  6. 10. what was the color of the dress i wore to the wedding?
  7. 11. one of your favorite spicy colors
  8. 13. your nickname for me
  9. 14. forever & a ___
  1. 1. what size were the beds in st. augustine we shared?
  2. 2. the name of our “lil boy”
  3. 5. wars one of the man movie series we’ve watched together
  4. 6. bell what fast food place were we in line at when you asked me to be your girlfriend?
  5. 8. what did we sleep on the 1st night in your apartment? the _____
  6. 9. harry potter, what game on the switch did we play when we were snowed in?
  7. 12. my favorite flower
  8. 14. what type of stuffed animal did you buy me when we went thrifting?