
  1. 4. When we have the same thought at the same time
  2. 6. How long will I love you?
  3. 7. Where you proposed
  4. 8. How long will I love you, but say it like Snape.
  5. 10. Our fist day trip, when I threw up in a porta-potty
  6. 11. We kiss under these on our favorite holiday
  7. 14. The wedding song that made us cry
  8. 15. Our first time meeting was here
  9. 17. four letter word, what I never fully felt before you
  10. 18. Our first weekend trip
  1. 1. Your nickname for me
  2. 2. Your emoji in my phone
  3. 3. The game you taught me, that I’ve never won
  4. 5. A game you’ve never beat me at
  5. 9. The text that started us version two
  6. 12. You are my
  7. 13. How we met
  8. 16. In the card you gave me when we first met, “I hope this is the first day of _ for us”