
  1. 4. a heck of a date
  2. 5. I’ll love you…
  3. 6. Something we feel
  4. 7. Closest cuddles
  5. 8. You complete me
  6. 9. Let’s runaway
  7. 12. Touch
  8. 15. Something that follows I love you
  9. 16. Only better with this
  10. 17. More than just a lover
  1. 1. We can’t function without
  2. 2. Whiskey Row’s scandal
  3. 3. We’ll get through anything…
  4. 8. First encounters
  5. 10. Snobs
  6. 11. Anniversary month
  7. 12. Valentines activities
  8. 13. We’ll never go this long again
  9. 14. Things we share