
  1. 3. bakery that hates us
  2. 5. yummy MEAT i love — zyara
  3. 6. when we first met — august
  4. 8. types of soda i drink — diet
  5. 10. a sugary sticky pink yumminess — chum chum
  6. 12. our place in our family orders — oldest child / first born
  7. 14. a wedding gift for miraj — rolex
  8. 15. cute furry egg
  1. 1. home of the roaches — baltimore
  2. 2. black red + white on our feet
  3. 4. queens hotel w a view
  4. 7. the aim of an attack, or where my income goes — target
  5. 9. something you have i wish i had — dumpy
  6. 10. what we never use — condom
  7. 11. something yOu drive around — crackies
  8. 13. home of the rats — new york city