
  1. 3. Your favourite drink
  2. 6. Your zodiac sign
  3. 7. Your name
  4. 9. My favourite take out
  5. 11. Anniversary month
  6. 14. Sport I played in high school
  7. 15. Something I make fun of all the time
  8. 16. Our pet name for each other
  9. 17. Where we go for a cool drink
  1. 1. One of your favourite take outs
  2. 2. My favourite day of the week
  3. 3. Our favourite food
  4. 4. My zodiac sign
  5. 5. A board game I always beat you at
  6. 8. My dogs name
  7. 9. White girl car
  8. 10. Your favourite sport
  9. 12. A card game you always beat me at
  10. 13. My name