
  1. 4. age difference
  2. 10. popular ski resort
  3. 11. go to spot with spicy sides
  4. 12. tom cardy
  5. 13. what I feel for you
  6. 15. my type
  7. 17. I the queen you the king
  8. 19. favorite movie
  9. 22. theater, these famous lines heard “roads? where we're going, we don't need roads.”
  10. 23. first place winner
  11. 26. place for rings (hint: river)
  12. 29. where professional paths intertwined
  13. 30. inaugural film viewing
  1. 1. good place for a romantic picnic
  2. 2. Office glances bloom, Love sparked in the workplace dance, Our compan
  3. 3. my love language that you indulge in
  4. 5. 3 stars
  5. 6. garden of proposal
  6. 7. birthday dinner
  7. 8. cafe we frequently ate at
  8. 9. he brought me to you
  9. 14. tears . . . and sushi
  10. 16. some like it hot some like it cold some like it _____ fc
  11. 18. other girlfriend
  12. 20. blue sister and pink sister at odds
  13. 21. how long I wanna be together
  14. 24. series that we may never finish (abbr.)
  15. 25. "What's your signature dish?"
  16. 27. relaxing gift
  17. 28. type of plant (hint. loyal pet + tree)