US Constitution and Bill of Rights

  1. 2. of the Press/1st Amendment; right to state anything in the printed form
  2. 4. is held by the people and exercised through the efforts of representatives elected by those people
  3. 8. of Rights/Basic Rights
  4. 9. Government/Limits are placed on the powers of government
  5. 10. Speech/1st Amendment; right to speak one's own mind
  6. 11. of powers/Form of government organized in three branches; legislative, executive, and judicial
  7. 12. document that defines government
  8. 13. Constitution/Basic law and government of the US; based on 7 principles
  1. 1. of the powers of government between a central government and the regional governments
  2. 3. sovereignty/All political power rests with the people who can create, alter, and abolish government
  3. 5. Convention/Constitutional convention resulting in creation of the federal government
  4. 6. rights/The rights of the people protected in the Bill of Rights
  5. 7. Eighty-Seven/US Constitution written at Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia
  6. 10. Papers/Newspaper articles in New York state; explained why people should adopt US Constitution
  7. 12. and balances/Each branch of the government shares its power and checks the other two