U.S Constitution and Bill of Rights

  1. 2. having two law-making parts.
  2. 5. The branch of government that makes the laws.
  3. 8. the constitutional system that shares power between the national and state governments.
  4. 9. To all future generations.
  5. 11. the idea that the authority of government comes from the people.
  6. 15. the act of giving testimony that can be used against oneself.
  7. 17. the law-making part of government, called the legislature.
  8. 19. the part of the government that “executes” (carries out) laws.
  1. 1. head of the Executive Branch of government.
  2. 3. A propose law.
  3. 4. guarantees freedoms concerning religion, expression, assembly, and the right to petition.
  4. 6. rights that belong to people “by nature” simply because they are human beings.
  5. 7. an order from judge that authorizes a search.
  6. 10. the part of the government, consisting of the Supreme Court and lower federal courts.
  7. 12. Introduction to the U.S. Constitution.
  8. 13. the upper house of the United States Congress with representatives from each states.
  9. 14. to reject a proposed law or a bill.
  10. 16. to formally accuse an official of a crime related to official duties.
  11. 18. A change in the U.S. Constitution.