- 3. One of the original 13 colonies/states and home to the Statue of Liberty
- 6. It's what the stars represent on the U.S. flag
- 8. Opened the original immigration to the Americas
- 9. The biggest mountain range in the U.S.
- 10. One of the original 13 colonies/states that also borders Canada
- 11. The longest river in the U.S.
- 12. State with the longest border with Canada
- 15. Ocean along the east coast of the U.S.
- 1. Capital of the U.S.
- 2. State that borders with Mexico
- 4. The first of the original 13 colonies/states
- 5. How the original 13 colonies/states are represented on the U.S. flag
- 7. Capital of California
- 13. One of the 5 American territories
- 14. Ocean along the west coast of the U.S.