US Hist. - WWII & Recent Review Items

  1. 2. President F.D. Roosevelt held these radio 'chats' with Americans while president
  2. 4. The activities of civilians during a nation's time of war is known as this
  3. 8. This act allowed U.S. to lend/lease weapons to allies "vital to defense of the U.S."
  4. 13. U.S. president during Great Depression who was unable to get U.S. back on track
  5. 15. Type of government in Soviet Union before Stalin took over and during his reign
  6. 16. Early, quick strike war strategy used by Germany in WW2 in attempt to win quickly
  7. 19. Last name of bitter leader who seized opportunity to take over a weakened Germany
  8. 20. First name of the 'Riveter' who became icon representing women working during WW2
  9. 21. This key Allied victory saw Soviet Union defeat Germany on its home turf in 1943
  10. 23. Three main Axis powers as WW2 began were Germany, Italy and this country
  11. 24. Japanese Americans were sadly put in these camps after the Pearl Harbor attack
  12. 27. Mussolini, Hitler, Stalin and Hirohito were all this type of political leader
  1. 1. The U.S. hoped to remain this way as WW2 was neared, but they were forced into war
  2. 3. Three main Allied Powers during WW2 were U.S., Soviet Union and this country
  3. 5. Last name of fascist leader of Italy during WW2 had similar beliefs as Hitler
  4. 6. Series of programs and projects by President FDR to get country out of depression
  5. 7. Government corporation created in U.S. giving depositors insurance at banks
  6. 9. Before U.S. entered WW2, U.S. sold weapons to allies as long as they paid with this
  7. 10. Last name of British prime minister who was a key ally to President Roosevelt
  8. 11. President Roosevelt called the Pearl Harbor attack a day that would live in this
  9. 12. This historic rescue of over 300,000 Allied troops was a key point in WW2
  10. 14. Soviet Union's dictatorial leader during WW2 who became an ally to the U.S.
  11. 17. European country mainly blamed for and left in a disastrous position after WW1
  12. 18. Japanese dictatorial leader when the 1941 Pearl Attack was ordered against the U.S.
  13. 22. U.S. president in office when Pearl Harbor attack occurred
  14. 25. These acts passed between 1935-1937 tried to keep the U.S. out of possible war
  15. 26. The 1929 crash on Wall Street and with this market brought on the Great Depression