US History

  1. 7. denial of the right to vote
  2. 10. Northerners who moved the South during Reconstruction
  3. 12. execution, often by hanging without a legal trial
  4. 13. laws enacted shortly after the Civil War intended to keep African Americans in a condition similar to slavery
  5. 14. pardon for offenses
  6. 15. Stanton secretary of war
  7. 17. name applied to the Southern statesbecause of their strong support for Democratic canidates
  8. 19. removed the last federal troops from the South
  9. 20. Southerners who supported the new Southern state governments established during Reconstruction
  1. 1. elected president in 1868
  2. 2. the right to vote
  3. 3. Radical Republican in the House of Representatives
  4. 4. violated the tenure of Office Act
  5. 5. won the popular vote in the 1876 election
  6. 6. bring charges against the president
  7. 8. head of the Freedmen's Bureau
  8. 9. Radical Republican in the Senate
  9. 11. arrested for his dishonest dealings
  10. 16. paper money issued by the U.S. Congress during the Civil War
  11. 18. cartoonist