US history

  1. 1. Where did the Pilgrims on the Mayflower arrive?
  2. 3. Who did the british kill in the boston massacre?
  3. 9. Who fired the shot heard round the world?
  4. 10. Who drafted the amendments to become the bill of rights?
  5. 14. Where did the US purchase land on April 30, 1803?
  6. 15. Who was the Native that introduced the pilgrims to Plymouth?
  7. 16. Who doesnt have the power to pass laws and override the constitution?
  8. 17. What was the war called when Andrew Jackson battled over the second bank?
  9. 19. Scott Who didnt have freedom in a free state on March 6, 1857?
  10. 20. What did Andrew Jackson trade for with the indians?
  11. 21. What was the first state to ratify the constitution?
  12. 22. What Month did the US adopt the Declaration of Independance?
  13. 23. What was one of the buildings that the british set on fire on August 24, 1814?
  14. 24. Where did the Salem witch trials occur?
  15. 25. Who did Washington surprise attack on?
  1. 2. Where did the first sold 20-30 african americans land in 1619?
  2. 4. What month did Samuel Morse introduce the telegraph?
  3. 5. What war was the battle of yorktown in?
  4. 6. Where did Christopher Columbus make landfall?
  5. 7. What State did the men and boys settle in?
  6. 8. Who discovered gold in California?
  7. 11. Where did the Female Sufferagists meet?
  8. 12. On April 15, 1817 what construction was passed by the New York Legislature?
  9. 13. What did the constitution gave states the right to block?
  10. 18. Who did the indians hang on June 8, 1675?