- 3. Young western women who wore short skirts, had short hair, and listened to jazz music. This was not normal for this time period.
- 7. 30th president of the united states
- 8. These were anarchists who thought social justice would only show up with destruction of government
- 11. This is what people called the Drought strikens southern plains
- 12. When the stock market crashed
- 14. Was an African American trumpet and singer.
- 15. President D. Roosevalut was trying to repair the nations economy
- 1. was the 31 president of the United states
- 2. 32nd president help restore the countrie after the great depression.
- 4. When African American culture centered into Harlem, Manhattan
- 5. Signed into law by President D Roosevault this would give retired people some money.
- 6. Was a famous american baseball player, he was unemployed in the great depression.
- 9. Inequalities when resources, opportunities, privileges, are distributed based on your social class.
- 10. Was a gangster who ran a soup kitchen during the great depression
- 13. People trying to chance social classes.
- 16. Where alchohal is illeagy sold