- 1. STICK Sharpened spear hidden in ground,
- 4. Helicopter landing Zone.
- 5. The lead and most dangerous position on a palrol inlo enemy lerritory.
- 6. TRAP Hidden explosive device designed to injure (he enemy.
- 10. as opposed lo the Vietcong
- 13. in Action
- 14. Killed in Action
- 16. STATE Refers lo killing and wounding of student antiwar protesters at Kent State
- 17. Front line U.S. troops, who. had the toughesi, most dangerous jobs.
- 2. GREEN GIANT Large U.S. helicopter gunship.
- 3. Vietnamese peasant home, usually very simple, with a thatched rool.
- 5. PROGRAM kill village leaders believed lo be pro-Communist.
- 7. Derisive U.S. slang erm for Vietnamese.
- 8. A U.S. attack helicopter.
- 9. BEAK Section of Laos that juts into Vietnam
- 11. troops slang for kilometers, measuring distance in Vietnam.*
- 12. A major Indochina River
- 13. Basic rifle used by U.S. Iroops in Vielnam.
- 15. ACCORDS A 1954 agreement to lemporarily divide Vietnam into North and South.