US History

  1. 1. STICK Sharpened spear hidden in ground,
  2. 4. Helicopter landing Zone.
  3. 5. The lead and most dangerous position on a palrol inlo enemy lerritory.
  4. 6. TRAP Hidden explosive device designed to injure (he enemy.
  5. 10. as opposed lo the Vietcong
  6. 13. in Action
  7. 14. Killed in Action
  8. 16. STATE Refers lo killing and wounding of student antiwar protesters at Kent State
  9. 17. Front line U.S. troops, who. had the toughesi, most dangerous jobs.
  1. 2. GREEN GIANT Large U.S. helicopter gunship.
  2. 3. Vietnamese peasant home, usually very simple, with a thatched rool.
  3. 5. PROGRAM kill village leaders believed lo be pro-Communist.
  4. 7. Derisive U.S. slang erm for Vietnamese.
  5. 8. A U.S. attack helicopter.
  6. 9. BEAK Section of Laos that juts into Vietnam
  7. 11. troops slang for kilometers, measuring distance in Vietnam.*
  8. 12. A major Indochina River
  9. 13. Basic rifle used by U.S. Iroops in Vielnam.
  10. 15. ACCORDS A 1954 agreement to lemporarily divide Vietnam into North and South.