US History

  1. 4. Mr. Hook's favorite baseball player, first black player to play in the Major Leagues.
  2. 6. Far right movement organized by a dictator
  3. 8. Mr. Hook's favorite team
  4. 9. During the war, it was used as a reactor to create large explosions.
  5. 11. In 1948, President Truman decided for this to take place in the military.
  6. 12. It was a forced relocation by the US between 1942 and 1945
  1. 1. Commonly used during the war for defense
  2. 2. It was a form of racism during WWII
  3. 3. During the war, it was very common for different nationalities to move out of their existing home to seek new homes
  4. 5. Far left movement, socialist movement
  5. 7. 32nd President of the United States
  6. 10. To minimize food, product, in order to manage supply of food
  7. 13. Strong sense of rule that attempts to take complete control over every aspect of your lives