US History

  1. 4. Alexander Graham Bell used this to get credit for the telephone
  2. 8. Founder of US Standard Oil
  3. 11. Where the first shots of the civil war were fired
  4. 12. This department store was created in New York City
  5. 14. The 14th amendments is what made all Americans
  6. 16. Location of one of the Carnegie factory steel strikes
  7. 19. A majority of Americans worked on these in the 1880s
  8. 20. Union military general in the west during the civil war
  9. 21. Thomas Edison’s electric company abbreviation
  10. 23. Thomas Jefferson’s first Vice President
  11. 24. This invention made womens live easier
  12. 25. Inventor of the lightbulb
  1. 1. This president was assassinated in 1901
  2. 2. Many immigrants worked in
  3. 3. This battle took place in September of 1862
  4. 5. Federal holiday that celebrates the end of slavery
  5. 6. famous nickname for the 16th president
  6. 7. Last name of a major donor in the Pittsburgh area
  7. 9. Name of the assassin of Lincoln
  8. 10. The first state to leave the Union
  9. 13. Founder of AT&T
  10. 15. This city had the largest slave market
  11. 17. There are only 14 of these stores left in the US
  12. 18. Location of the costliest battle in the Civil War
  13. 22. Infamous Confederate general