- 4. The conflict between the United States and Great Britain over maritime rights and territorial disputes
- 5. The belief in striving for noble goals, often unrealistically
- 6. The process of reducing a nation's military forces after a war
- 8. The 1920s immigration policy that limited the number of immigrants from specific countries
- 10. The policy of not taking sides in a conflict, especially in World War I
- 13. The policy of extending a country's power through diplomacy or military force
- 15. The period of fear and suspicion of communism and radical political movements in the U.S. after World War I.
- 16. A 1924 agreement to help Germany repay its war reparations after World War I
- 17. A political scandal involving the illegal leasing of U.S. oil reserves during Harding's presidency
- 18. A secret diplomatic communication from Germany to Mexico, promising territory in exchange for support in World War I
- 19. An artistic and literary movement focusing on depicting everyday life and social issues
- 1. The alliance of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and other nations during World War I
- 2. The all-Black U.S. Army regiment known for its bravery in World War I
- 3. Toxic substances like mustard gas used as weapons during World War I
- 4. A 1921-1922 meeting aimed at reducing naval arms and preventing conflict
- 7. The British passenger ship sunk by a German U-boat in 1915, contributing to U.S. entry into World War I
- 9. A series of government actions in 1919-1920 targeting suspected radicals and anarchists
- 11. The 1836 conflict in which Texas fought for independence from Mexico
- 12. A form of combat where soldiers fight from deep, fortified ditches during World War I
- 14. The coalition of countries, including the U.S., Britain, and France, that opposed the Central Powers in World War I