U.S. History

  1. 3. This American war was fought between the North and the South from 1861 to 1865
  2. 5. Ocean found on the West coast of the United States
  3. 9. Country that borders the U.S. to the North
  4. 12. This market crashed in 1929 and contributed to the start of the Great Depression
  5. 14. An increase in the price of goods and services over time
  6. 16. This astronaut is known as the first man to walk on the moon
  7. 18. When people cast ballots and vote officials into office
  8. 19. This is the most populated state in the U.S.
  9. 21. This occurred in the 1920s when alcohol was outlawed in the United States
  10. 25. The U.S., Mexico, and Canada are all on this continent
  1. 1. The national bird and a prominent symbol of the United States
  2. 2. This president was known as "Honest Abe"
  3. 4. Ocean found on the East coast of the United States
  4. 6. The title for the wife of the president
  5. 7. The 35th president of the United States who was assassinated in Dallas, Texas in 1963
  6. 8. This is where the President lives in Washington D.C.
  7. 10. The 1920s is known as the ______ Twenties
  8. 11. Kamala Harris is the _____ ________ of the United States
  9. 13. We pay these to fund government spending and other public services
  10. 15. National park where you can see the geyser Old Faithful
  11. 17. Country that borders the U.S. to the South
  12. 19. This official document states the fundamental laws and principles by which the United States is governed
  13. 20. The leader of the United States
  14. 22. The ______ of Representatives (lower house of the United States Congress
  15. 23. The capital of the United States of America
  16. 24. National park located in Arizona that was carved out by the Colorado River