US History Catch UP - Colonial Era

  1. 3. Allows Congress to pass legislation
  2. 5. This was a British tax on paper goods
  3. 6. Law signed under the Articles of Confederation that prohibited slavery in the Ohio River Valley region
  4. 9. The official term for a legislative branch that has two chambers
  5. 13. This clause found in Article VI. Section 2 of the US Constitution makes clear that the US government is higher than state governments
  6. 14. This amendment allows states legislate on topics that the federal government has not already regulated
  7. 16. Found in the 12th Amendment, this is not popular vote is how the president is elected in the United States
  8. 17. Name of pamphlet published the same year as the Declaration of Independence to convince colonists reasons to separate from Britain
  9. 18. This group argued for a strong central government and did not believe the Bill of Rights was necessary to include in the US Constitution
  10. 19. Gives legislative power to Congress
  11. 20. This compromise between the north and south enhancing the population of the southern states by counting enslaved people as part of it
  12. 21. Allowed for the importation of enslaved people until the year, 1808
  1. 1. Advocated for more states rights
  2. 2. Rebellion that occurred in Virginia colony over farmers wanting more land and protesting taxes
  3. 4. Taken every decade and used to determine the number of representatives each state can send to Congress
  4. 7. corrects this weakness of the Articles of Confederation and allows Congress to tax the states
  5. 8. A trade regulation stipulating that colonies can only trade within the empire
  6. 10. the first ten amendments that were added as part of the Constitution
  7. 11. This compromise was made between the states of Virginia and New Jersey creating a bicameral legislature
  8. 12. American delegates met in Philadelphia to revise the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation
  9. 15. Some argue this war was started by Washington and his Ohio Company