U.S. History Chapter 7 Review

  1. 2. Island at the center of the Spanish-American War
  2. 5. The "science" of Social Darwinism
  3. 7. Nickname of the Progressive Party in the Election of 1912
  4. 8. Other word for limit placed on number of immigrants who could enter the US
  5. 11. Movement for societal change in the early 1900's
  6. 14. Led controversial raids on suspected Communists
  7. 15. Who people could now directly vote for thanks to the 17th Amendment
  8. 16. Boat that rallied support for Spanish-American War
  9. 18. Creator of "Dollar Diplomacy"
  10. 19. Bigger island gained from Spain
  11. 21. What women who helped push for the 19th Amendment fought for
  12. 23. Civil rights organization founded by W.E.B. DuBois in 1909
  13. 24. Continent which the Lodge Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine focused on
  14. 26. Assassinated president, began US imperialism
  15. 27. Monopolies Roosevelt was famous for "busting"
  1. 1. Site of the treaty that ended the Spanish American War
  2. 3. Type of agreement the US and Japan had to limit Japanese immigration
  3. 4. Hearst's and Pulitzer's journalism
  4. 6. Major engineering project in Panama
  5. 9. Number of ideas in Wilson's plan post-WWI
  6. 10. Site of the treaty that ended World War I
  7. 11. Ban on alcohol sales based on the 18th Amendment
  8. 12. Keeping away from the rest of the world post-WWI
  9. 13. The 16th Amendment put a tax on this
  10. 17. Progressive hero and founder of New Nationalism
  11. 20. Uniquely American music that gained popularity in the 1920's
  12. 22. Island gained from Spain after the war
  13. 25. Thought up the New Freedom and League of Nations
  14. 26. Product Henry Ford made famous thanks to the assembly line