US History Crossword

  1. 2. Raids, series of raids by the US government to find people considered to be radicals
  2. 4. Gin, an invention made by Eli Whitney that changed production in the South
  3. 7. Crow, segregation laws that became wide-spread in the South during the 1890s
  4. 10. when the US stormed the shores of France in World War II
  5. 12. those who supported the British and opposed American independence
  6. 13. drafted the Declaration of Independence
  7. 15. president during the Cuban Missile Crisis
  8. 17. Columbus, sailor who discovered the Americas
  9. 18. president during the use of the atomic bomb
  10. 19. created the interstate highway system
  1. 1. banning alcohol
  2. 3. president who announced the emancipation proclamation
  3. 5. current president
  4. 6. the first president
  5. 8. created the New Deal
  6. 9. Renaissance, new African American culture that flourished in literature, art, and music
  7. 11. Destiny, doctrine that expressed the expansion of white Americans across the continent because it was their duty
  8. 13. president who forced the Trail of Tears
  9. 14. the scandal that caused Nixon to resign
  10. 16. Pot, idea that immigrants from other countries should quickly lose their culture