- 3. founded Pennsylvania
- 5. first document that limited power
- 6. published common sense
- 10. land inherited by American Indians
- 12. rights that cant be taken away
- 14. official way to confirm
- 16. first u.s. president
- 18. gave colonies legal right to exist
- 19. loyal to British
- 20. patriot leader
- 1. turning point in revolution
- 2. religion founded by George fox
- 3. didn't like Britain
- 4. father of constitution
- 7. addition to constitution
- 8. inventor in 1700's
- 9. rebellion incident made them want a strong constitution
- 11. didn't take a side in revolution
- 13. tax on imported goods
- 15. first permanent settlement
- 17. french men who helped u.s.