- 5. Set of laws that required the separation of blacks and whites in public settings
- 6. A movement that looked to end slavery in the United States and gave a political platform for the Women's Suffrage Movement
- 7. A fee that used to be paid in order to vote
- 10. Professor who taught his students to put aside their desire for political equality and focus on economic security by gaining vocational skills
- 12. "allow to be"
- 15. Organization created by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B Anthony
- 18. The ability to read and write and is a major function of public schooling
- 19. Separation of people by race
- 1. Give donations to worthy causes such as he establishment of private women's colleges
- 2. Belief in the power of regular people, and in their right to have control over their government rather than a small group of political leaders/ wealthy elite
- 3. Movement created by women that supported women's right to vote
- 4. Ban on the manufacturing and sale of alcoholic beverages
- 7. Trial that expressed the understanding of "separate but equal"
- 8. Was initially a part of the NAWSA but were expelled for aggressive techniques and desire for a constitutional amendment
- 9. Required the federal government to purchase and coin more silver to increase money supply and cause inflation
- 11. Drop in the prices of goods
- 13. first meeting of women to discuss the problems women were facing and where the declaration of sentiments was created
- 14. Nonviolent refusal to obey laws in order to change them
- 16. movement that sought to apply the teachings of Jesus directly to society through ideals of charity and justice
- 17. Helped enforce the Clayton Act by setting up fair trade laws