  1. 4. On May 3rd, 1866, there was another riot at Chicago's _________ reaper factory
  2. 5. A way of getting around anti monopoly laws
  3. 6. This act was signed by Lincoln in 1862
  4. 7. Black Kettle was the leader of this Native American tribe.
  5. 10. Pullman built towns for his workers with everything they needed, but there were lots of ________
  6. 13. Social _______ is a philosophy that believes in survival of the fittest
  7. 15. On May 10,1869 which railroad was completed?
  8. 16. People who snuck into Oklahoma to get land before the race began
  9. 19. The government had to get involved with the railroad workers' strike when _______ _______ stopped
  10. 21. Lead by Samuel Gompers was a labor union called The American ________ of Labor
  11. 22. A race for land in Oklahoma that had lots of people headed out west.
  12. 23. George ________ was vey successful in building sleeping cars for railroads
  13. 25. Native Americans began doing these dances after being put in reservations
  14. 26. Alexander Graham Bell invented this in 1876
  15. 27. Terence _______ lead one of the first labor unions, the Knights of Labor
  16. 29. On May ___, 1866, workers went on strike against the eight hour work day
  1. 1. A loose association of businesses who produce the same product
  2. 2. Custer and all of his men were killed by 2000 Native Americans at this river
  3. 3. __________ police tried to break up the Carnegie Steel strike, but someone opened fire and people from both sides were killed.
  4. 5. The officials at Wounded Knee massacred this many defenseless Native Americans after a shot rang out.
  5. 8. An anarchist who tried to assassinate Henry Frick
  6. 9. In the _______ of 1892, Henry Frick cut worker wages at Carnegie Steel
  7. 11. Used vertical consolidation to become the leader in Steel production
  8. 12. When a company would drop it's prices drastically to put it's competitor's out of business, it's ________ consolidation
  9. 14. Officials were doing this at Wounded Knee when a shot rang out
  10. 17. A philosophy that suggested government ownership of businesses and the equal distribution of wealth
  11. 18. When a company is in complete control of a product or service
  12. 20. Gaining control of many different businesses that make up all phases of a product's development is called ________ consolidation
  13. 24. A system of long and short pulses that represented the letters of the alphabet
  14. 28. Believed that he could turn out a small invention every 10 days and a big one every 6 months