US History imperialism

  1. 3. forced China to give up rights to western powers.
  2. 5. the belief that the US is either distinctive, unique, or exemplary comapred to other nations.
  3. 7. a policy Howard Taft used to protect US interest in Latin America.
  4. 9. sent by president Wilson to to capture Francisco “pancho” Villa.
  5. 11. policy stating all nations have equal trade access in China.
  6. 12. the trade of this drug led to years of war between Chinese and British.
  7. 14. the first independent African country.
  8. 15. territory under control of a larger nation; must follow all rules of their parent-country.
  9. 16. part of the Cuban constitution which said the US can interfere with Cuban affairs and restrict their right to make treaties.
  10. 17. leader of Cuban independence.
  11. 19. the policy of extending the rule or authority of an empire or nation over foreign countries, or of acquiring and holding countries.
  12. 20. an overthrow and thorough replacement of an established government.
  1. 1. island invaded by the US 90 miles off the coast of florida.
  2. 2. native Africans who fought in a war against the British after gold was discovered.
  3. 4. an attachment to a resolution stating that the US did not want control of Cuba.
  4. 6. *blank* renounced all claim to Cuba, ceded Guam and Puerto Rico to the United States, and transferred sovereignty over the Philippines to the US.
  5. 8. the policy or doctrine of isolating ones country from the affairs of other nations by declining to enter alliances.
  6. 10. Chinese secret society that carried on an unsuccessful uprising.
  7. 13. a canal extending SE from the Atlantic to the pacific across the isthmus of panama.
  8. 18. British ruler in India.