- 3. forced China to give up rights to western powers.
- 5. the belief that the US is either distinctive, unique, or exemplary comapred to other nations.
- 7. a policy Howard Taft used to protect US interest in Latin America.
- 9. sent by president Wilson to to capture Francisco “pancho” Villa.
- 11. policy stating all nations have equal trade access in China.
- 12. the trade of this drug led to years of war between Chinese and British.
- 14. the first independent African country.
- 15. territory under control of a larger nation; must follow all rules of their parent-country.
- 16. part of the Cuban constitution which said the US can interfere with Cuban affairs and restrict their right to make treaties.
- 17. leader of Cuban independence.
- 19. the policy of extending the rule or authority of an empire or nation over foreign countries, or of acquiring and holding countries.
- 20. an overthrow and thorough replacement of an established government.
- 1. island invaded by the US 90 miles off the coast of florida.
- 2. native Africans who fought in a war against the British after gold was discovered.
- 4. an attachment to a resolution stating that the US did not want control of Cuba.
- 6. *blank* renounced all claim to Cuba, ceded Guam and Puerto Rico to the United States, and transferred sovereignty over the Philippines to the US.
- 8. the policy or doctrine of isolating ones country from the affairs of other nations by declining to enter alliances.
- 10. Chinese secret society that carried on an unsuccessful uprising.
- 13. a canal extending SE from the Atlantic to the pacific across the isthmus of panama.
- 18. British ruler in India.