US History infographic

  1. 1. gave black people the “right to vote”
  2. 10. slaves are no longer slaves.
  3. 11. segregation was ok.
  4. 12. was a woman who was hired to sit on the white side of the bus.
  5. 13. of the black rights activists, “I have a dream”
  6. 15. Black people would be fined 2 dollars if they were where they shouldn’t be.
  7. 17. act of ‘64: ended segregation for real.
  8. 18. 200,000 people attended the march at the Washington place and MLK gave his speech “I have a dream”
  9. 19. Black people stopped using the busses so that the city would have to integrate both white and black people on the bus anywhere they want.
  10. 21. just the way it is.
  1. 2. people who wanted equal rights and used the lynching cards as proof that it was bad.
  2. 3. a bunch of black parents fought in court for their children to end educational segregation.
  3. 4. a boy who was falsely accused of sexually assaulting a woman and was beaten to death and thrown in a river.
  4. 5. segregation by law
  5. 6. slaves are now citizens.
  6. 7. Black and white people would go onto the busses and sit next to eachother to end segregation/ one bus exploded.
  7. 8. segregation was ok as long as they were equal.
  8. 9. people would say nuh uh to officials in a kind manner.
  9. 14. 9: 9 black students when to an all white school to end segregation.
  10. 16. Klu Klux Klan of white people who think their cooler than black people.
  11. 20. people would sit inside of places they weren’t supposed to be, and many people joined in across the nation.