US history Mark

  1. 4. during the clivil war,an antiwar northern democrat
  2. 6. A numerical limit
  3. 8. items seized from the enemy during wartime
  4. 9. revolt against a superior authorith
  5. 13. Name given to American troops in Europe in World War
  6. 14. 1862law that cities alimited degree of self-rule
  7. 16. term coined by mark twain to describe the post-reconstruction era
  8. 17. a law of America
  9. 18. area in which one ethnic or racial group dominates
  10. 19. a drop in the prices of goods
  1. 1. the ability to read and write
  2. 2. A process for making steel more effi-ciently,patented in 1856
  3. 3. an african american who migrated to the west after the civil war
  4. 5. [erson who buys up large areas of land in the hope of selling them later for aprofit
  5. 7. one who farmed to describe a makeshift homeless
  6. 10. 1892 strikeinpennsylvania against carnegie steel
  7. 11. place where waapons are made or stored
  8. 12. Murder of an accused person by a mob without a lawful trial
  9. 15. confined
  10. 20. a policy of favoing native-born americans over immigrants