US History Midterm

  1. 3. Act that put a tax on almost all forms of paper
  2. 6. First attempt at an English colony in America
  3. 7. Crop harvested in Jamestown that helped it survive
  4. 8. Branch of American government that interprets the laws
  5. 12. Branch of American government that carries out the laws
  6. 13. Treaty of ___________ ended the Revolutionary War and gave America its independence
  7. 14. Belief in the equality of all people
  8. 15. American farmers rebelled against an excise tax on this product
  9. 16. Religious group that founded Pennsylvania
  10. 17. Act that allowed British East India Company to sell its product tax-free
  11. 19. British policy of forcing sailors of captured ships into their navy
  12. 21. John Winthrop slogan, "A City Upon a ______"
  13. 23. Plan that wanted representation in Congress to be based on population size
  14. 24. Last name of Prussian general that trained American soldiers at Valley Forge
  15. 27. Last name of person who wrote Common Sense
  16. 28. Act that said the President can deport "undesirable" immigrants
  17. 31. Battle that convinced European nations to join American war effort
  18. 32. Clause that allows the authority of US government to expand in the future
  19. 33. First permanent English settlement in America
  20. 34. Branch of American government that makes the laws
  1. 1. Economic practice of mother country exploiting colonies for resources
  2. 2. Radical group that took over the French Revolution
  3. 4. Dominance by the masses
  4. 5. Acts passed by British in response to Boston Tea Party
  5. 9. Plan that wanted equal number of representation in Congress no matter size of the state
  6. 10. Political party led by Alexander Hamilton
  7. 11. Objects given to Native Americans that were infested with smallpox
  8. 18. America's first major victory in the Revolutionary War
  9. 20. Led rebellion of Massachusetts farmers to shut down court houses
  10. 22. Government structure that splits powers between national and state governments
  11. 24. Helped Jamestown survive after first winter through martial law
  12. 25. College that picks the president
  13. 26. Sons of this was the name of the underground resistance group
  14. 29. Government where citizens rule through elected representatives
  15. 30. European nation that made an alliance with America during Revolutionary War