US History Midterm

  1. 3. Fort where first shots of Civil War were fired
  2. 5. Product targeted by temperance movement
  3. 6. Former slaves were forced to earn a living doing this
  4. 8. President who used big stick diplomacy
  5. 12. Organizations that fought for worker's rights
  6. 13. Major factor in US industrial growth
  7. 17. President of the North during the Civil War
  8. 18. Type of Republican that wanted Southerners punished for their crimes
  9. 19. Animal killed on the Great Plains that hurt survival of tribes
  10. 21. Color of press known for its sensational headlines
  1. 1. President who kept the US neutral at the start of WWI
  2. 2. The attempt to rebuild the South after the Civil War
  3. 3. Major cause of Civil War
  4. 4. People who wanted to improve society and limit big business
  5. 7. Expansion policy used to promote economic growth
  6. 9. A business that dominates an industry
  7. 10. Author of the Gospel of Wealth
  8. 11. People forced onto reservations by Great Plains settlers
  9. 14. General who waged total war on the South
  10. 15. Side that won the Civil War
  11. 16. Florida railroad tycoon
  12. 20. Island where many European immigrants entered the US