  1. 5. Place where Americans killed many defenseless Indians.
  2. 8. Leader of the Lakota who beat Custer's men on the Battle of Little Big Horn.
  3. 10. The proccess which made the Indians integrate into American society.
  4. 11. Places where Indians were forced to live.
  5. 12. Metal looked for by all the miners who tried to strike it rich.
  6. 13. Place where Chief Joseph was trying to go before he surrended.
  7. 16. Place where Sitting Bull's most important battle happened.
  8. 20. The Act which ended Indian reservations.
  1. 1. Land given to farmers for free with the condition that they had to work it and improve it for 5 years.
  2. 2. Leader of a refugee group who tried to escape to Canada when they were caught by the American soldiers and then surrended.
  3. 3. Towns were miners lived
  4. 4. The railroad that crossed the whole country from East to West.
  5. 6. People who drove cows from the south to the north.
  6. 7. Mountains which were holy for the Indians and where there was a huge gold mine.
  7. 9. The most important way of transportation in the west during the industrial revolution.
  8. 14. People who cheated by staking their claims before the official opening of the Homestead period.
  9. 15. Self appointed law enforcers who punished law-breakers in the mining towns.
  10. 17. Free African Americans who lived on the Homesteads.
  11. 18. A different name for "Native Americans."
  12. 19. Mexican system which didn't allow fences on the land.