US History Review

  1. 3. to cancel a government decision
  2. 6. Name given to the Indian Removal Act, put into action by Andrew Jackson
  3. 9. a person sent to represent one for the federal government
  4. 10. every citizen of the United States
  5. 13. Andrew Jackson put a tariff on South Carolina, who threatened to secede if tariffs were placed
  6. 16. A political party giving public office to its supporters
  7. 17. President of the U.S. who forced the Native Americans out of Georgia
  8. 18. a citizen with no power
  9. 20. The bank of the Federal Government
  1. 1. a government tax on imported goods
  2. 2. The right to vote
  3. 4. a policy or attitude of letting things take their own hand
  4. 5. rights and powers held by the individual U.S. states
  5. 7. An order issued by the president forcing Native Americans out of Georgia and into Oklahoma
  6. 8. to leave or withdrawal
  7. 11. a tariff passed to protect industry in the North
  8. 12. a court case that declared that non-Native Americans could not be on Native Americans land without a license
  9. 14. land belonging to Native Americans
  10. 15. A Native American tribe forced to relocate during the Trail of Tears
  11. 19. land reserved for the Cherokee people during the Indian Removal Act