U.S. History Review

  1. 2. Commodore who led the U.S. fleet against the Spanish in the Philippines.
  2. 4. _____ ______ Hill was stormed by Teddy Roosevelt and the Rough Riders in Cuba
  3. 7. Animal of spirit and utility for Native Americans, sport for settlers.
  4. 9. "Movement of the people" developed for more governmental representation of citizens.
  5. 11. Wilson's speech/plan for world Peace was called the ____ Points
  6. 12. The ______ Amendment was forced on Cuba's Constitution
  7. 15. Popular name for an organization of farmers called the Patrons of Husbandry
  8. 16. ______ became the U.S.A's first national park in 1872
  9. 19. Had a toy bear named after him.
  10. 20. one of the island territories acquired by the U.S. after winning the Spanish-American War
  11. 21. One way the U.S. Navy helped protect merchant ships
  12. 22. The ________, torpedoed by Germans, was a major incident driving the U.S. to enter World War I
  13. 26. Much of the inland war fighting in World War I was fought from ______
  14. 27. The _____ Act (1887) aimed to "Americanize" Native Americans
  15. 28. U.S. Admiral who urged government officials to build up its navy
  16. 29. Journalists who exposed corruption in business and politics in the early 1900s
  17. 31. The policy in which stronger nations extend, their economic, political, or military control over weaker territories
  18. 32. _______ and Victory Loans helped finance World War I
  19. 34. The _____ _____ Act of 1913 divided the nation into 12 districts for banking
  20. 36. One element of the U.S. Government's foreign policy toward Great Plains Native Americans in the 19th Century
  21. 37. The _____ Movement was comprised of people who wanted to return control of government to the people and correct injustices of American Life
  22. 38. Theodore Roosevelt's program of progressive forms to protect common people from big business
  23. 39. A bill submitted by the people, not lawmakers
  24. 40. The American _________ Force was led by General John J. Pershing
  25. 41. The ________-American War lasted only 16 weeks
  1. 1. The Treaty of _____ punished Germany after World War I and carved up parts of Europe into new nations
  2. 3. Mexican rebel who killed Americans and was hunted by the U.S. military
  3. 5. one of several new mechanized forms of warfare in World War I
  4. 6. In 1876 Custer and the 7th Cavalry were defeated by the Sioux and Northern Cheyenne was at the Battle of ____ ____ _____
  5. 8. The ______ ______ Policy by Secretary of State John Hay promoted free trade in China for all European and U.S. presences there
  6. 10. one assassinated U.S. president
  7. 12. allowed ships a quicker route from the Atlantic to Pacific Oceans
  8. 13. Author Mark Twain and rail mogul Andrew Carnegie were anti-__________
  9. 14. The ____ Act (1862, 1890) gave federal land to states to establish agricultural colleges
  10. 15. The discovery of ____ lured many to the west and put more pressures on Native Americans
  11. 17. Woodrow Wilson's progressive platform
  12. 18. The ______ Act gave 160 acres of free land to any head of household who was a citizen or intended citizen
  13. 23. began with agriculture, sprouted cities, and saw incredible economic gains
  14. 24. U.S. Secretary of State who arranged the sale of Alaska
  15. 25. ________ was the rescue ship that blew up in the harbor of Havana and helped spark the Spanish-American War
  16. 30. The ____ Amendment (1913) established the federal income tax
  17. 33. This amendment to the United States Constitution allows direct election of U.S. Senators by the people
  18. 35. The process where voters accept or reject an initiative