US History Review

  1. 2. city of bus boycott led by Rosa Parks
  2. 3. TN town-first school in the South to integrate
  3. 5. Place of residence for African Americans who were evicted from their homes for registering to vote in Fayette Co. TN
  4. 8. Acronym of organization that seeks rights for Native Americans
  5. 11. activists who rode buses across the South to challenge segregation laws
  6. 14. Thurgood Marshall was the first African American to serve on the
  7. 15. Birmingham Fire/Police Commissioner who authorized fire hoses and attack dogs on activists
  1. 1. church and house bombings took place in this AL city
  2. 4. Brown v. Board of Ed. _______ schools
  3. 6. AR Gov. who refused to comply with a unanimous decision of the U.S. Supreme Court in the 1954 case Brown v. Board of Education
  4. 7. Often seen as the opposite of MLK and his teachings on peaceful protest
  5. 9. MLK Jr was assassinated in this TN city in 1968
  6. 10. AR city where National Guard was mobilized by to stop integration at Central HS
  7. 12. Folk School on Monteagle Mt. that trained activists including MLK and Rosa Parks
  8. 13. US Senator from SC and former Gov. who staunchly opposed the Civil Rights Acts