US History Review

  1. 2. Marbury v Madison est judicial ______
  2. 4. period following civil war
  3. 7. power divided on 2 levels
  4. 9. common for southern colonies
  5. 10. example of rep. Government (House)
  6. 12. firm league of friendship. 1st true government
  7. 16. Johnny Reb during civil war lived here
  8. 17. Constitution is a bundle of _________
  9. 19. Rockefeller
  10. 21. Falls...first women's rights convention
  1. 1. age of great business growth
  2. 3. Cross of Gold speech given in support of this
  3. 5. differences between North, South, and West
  4. 6. big state plan for gov.
  5. 8. Norths plan to win Civil War
  6. 11. ______ neglect
  7. 13. turning point of Civil War
  8. 14. First English settlement
  9. 15. President who was an Indian remover
  10. 18. stop sign, stay out!
  11. 20. rebellion that showed weakness of early government