US History Review

  1. 2. procedure for removing a public officer by the people's vote
  2. 7. flexible policy of negotiation adopted by Nixon
  3. 8. international governmental organization to promote cooperation between countries and nations
  4. 9. legal act of prohibiting the sale, making, or consumption of alcohol
  5. 11. Franklin Roosevelt's program to get rid of problems of the Great Depression
  6. 13. banking system that controls money supply and availability of credit
  7. 15. scandal involving Nixon, edited tapes, and recorded phone calls
  8. 18. complete control over an industry
  9. 19. policy to open trade with China
  10. 20. journalists who uncover corrupt businesses
  1. 1. program to provide economic aid to European nations after WWII
  2. 3. papers that revealed the government's actual plans for Vietnam
  3. 4. fear of communism in the US
  4. 5. north atlantic treaty organization
  5. 6. US attempt to block the spread of communism
  6. 10. attacks by Joseph McCarthy on suspecting communism
  7. 12. court case that overturned separate but equal facilities
  8. 14. Warren G Harding's promise; return to pre-war mentality
  9. 16. extreme nationalism
  10. 17. russian satellite, first to orbit Earth